For more than 35 years, VOA has worked with local senior living communities to identify older women who have outlived their families or are separated from them and recognize them with gifts of appreciation for Mother’s Day. This year, VOA distributed more than 200 gift baskets filled with flowers, treats, and other gifts to some of the residents and clients at Catholic Charities, Cobblestone Place, Danforth Towers Apartments, Hudson Ridge, Jonathan Child Apartments, Jordan Health, and Montgomery Neighborhood Center.
According to the Administration on Aging, approximately 27% of older adults in the United States live alone, and older women are often at a higher risk of social isolation, which leaves them vulnerable to increased mental and physical health problems. On Mother’s Day, the feeling of loneliness can be heightened for those women who find themselves forgotten on this special day.
Berta hasn’t seen family in three years. ”I miss them, and it would be good to see them. They know that if I could get there, I would,” she says of her three daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who live in Texas. Berta says having VOA deliver gift bags to women on Mother’s Day is amazing, “maybe your kids are a thousand miles away, but someone always remembers you. That’s a blessing.”
“I Remember Mama” is made possible by individual contributions and our sponsors: Ursula Burns, IDEX, and GMR Associates. Special thanks to The Garden Factory, Rochester Women’s Network, and Frontier Pioneers for their support.